1: 1. "Power is never given, it’s taken." - Jessica Pearson

2: 2. "Success is not about luck, it's about relentless determination." - Jessica Pearson

3: 3. "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth." - Jessica Pearson

4: 4. "In the game of power, never show your hand too soon." - Jessica Pearson

5: 5. "Hard work is the foundation of every success story." - Jessica Pearson

6: 6. "Success is not just about reaching the top, it's about staying there." - Jessica Pearson

7: 7. "Power is not about being feared, it's about being respected." - Jessica Pearson

8: 8. "Insecurities have no place in the journey to success." - Jessica Pearson

9: 9. "True power is not about control, it's about influence." - Jessica Pearson